Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Self Portrait :)

Saturday, October 20, 2007
39 Weeks

The doctor on Thursday said that I was 2 cm and about 60% of a 3rd cm dilated, so at least there is progress. I still have a week left until my due date though and I would appreciated it if yall would pray that I could start labor at home instead of being induced. It's just a desire of my heart - if I go over the doctor only gives one week before inducing.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Saturday, September 8, 2007
33 weeks
Sunday, September 2, 2007
32 weeks and then some

So with all that complaining out of the way, I do know that every baby is special and I do count her as special and unique, I'm looking forward to meeting my little Miss....but for now I'm just worn out!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
31 weeks

Thursday, August 2, 2007
28 Weeks

Sunday, July 22, 2007
14 weeks left!!!
I can't believe I only have 14 weeks left.....when I was in school this would have seemed like eternity...now it feels like - well, REALLY fast! I don't keep track of time since I hardly even have to look at a calender. When I was working I had to look at the date everyday, now I seriously only know the date maybe one day out of the week. Yikes!
My next appointment in August I'll be doing the glucose test....yuck. My appointment on Friday went really great except that I had to get up from the waiting room 3 times due to my bladder.:) I've gained 13 lbs total so the doctor said that was right on target...13 lbs in 26 weeks. I tried to talk him into letting me have another ultrasound but I still have to wait until 36 weeks...now for some reason THAT feels like an eternity.
My next appointment in August I'll be doing the glucose test....yuck. My appointment on Friday went really great except that I had to get up from the waiting room 3 times due to my bladder.:) I've gained 13 lbs total so the doctor said that was right on target...13 lbs in 26 weeks. I tried to talk him into letting me have another ultrasound but I still have to wait until 36 weeks...now for some reason THAT feels like an eternity.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
26 Weeks

Friday, July 13, 2007
25 weeks
Okay, so I'll get a picture soon as I'm not struttin' around in my sweats. Funny how I don't actually where pajama pants all the time but for some reason whenever I'm photographed or videod I look like a bum. For instance, you should see the video of Brady's first few months of life. Everytime I was on there I was in one of Zac's big T shirts, no make up, messy ponytail.
I have no stats to give you because I FORGOT my appoinment on the tenth! I called yesterday to ask them when I was suppose to see the doctor and they informed me that I WAS suppose to have been there on the 10th at 9 am. Oops. SO now I get to go NEXT friday.
I have no stats to give you because I FORGOT my appoinment on the tenth! I called yesterday to ask them when I was suppose to see the doctor and they informed me that I WAS suppose to have been there on the 10th at 9 am. Oops. SO now I get to go NEXT friday.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
23 Weeks

Friday, June 15, 2007
21 Weeks

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
20 Weeks!!!!!!!

For instance, right now I just got up and I hardly have a baby bump at all, but then around 2 in the afternoon I'll be waddling around with swollen feet and my belly will be protruding out of almost every shirt I own. So strange. I'm 20 weeks on Friday so I'm half way there....I guess I'm 5 months, right?
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Baby Stuff


Oh my gosh, IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!! I was in complete shock that I started crying, I mean...I'm SOO happy that it's a girl but I was totally expecting a boy. For one, I just thought I would wind up with 3 or 4 boys someday and never get a little girl, and since we have a little boy it's easier for me to imagine having another boy. I think to celebrate I'm going to go to a consignment shop today and find her first little outfit. Oh my goodness, I have to start all over since I have only little guy stuff. That means I'll go ahead and pack up all of Brayden's old stuff......
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Glow

Oh, I also had this terrible week with my complexion. It was last week my face broke out, I got a mole in the corner of my eye, and when we were on a hike a branch hit me in the face and left an inch long cut on my cheek! I wasn't feeling very attractive...that's for sure.

Zac wasn't around to take a belly shot so I had to set the timer. :) Anyways, these pants are maternity but I got them because they even fit me before I was growing, they were just loose. Anyways, I don't know what I weigh right now but will find out next week all that business PLUS if we are having a little Corley man or a little Corley gal. I'm so excited. I do know though that when I got pregnant my waist was 27 inches and now it's 32 inches. I'm feeling it.
Friday, April 20, 2007
13 Weeks
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Tummy Pictures are coming!
My apology goes out to my tummy watcher fans. I forget to have Zac take pictures and I don't know how to set the timer on the camera. I'm sure if I tried...I could possibly figure it out. Anyways, I'll try to have him take one tomorrow when he comes home and then hopefully I can post it before the weekend. We're going away to Nashville for a soccer tournament, so if I don't get it done tomorrow then hopefully Monday.
I went for my 12 week appoinment a few days ago...tomorrow I'll be 13 weeks. Anyways, I'm doing great so far. I've gained 4 lbs so far and I've had no morning sickness. I'm just SUPER tired all the time, it's a little hard on Zac because I seriously fall asleep at 9 pm every night. Now, considering I'm the kind of person that can hardly ever fall asleep, that's saying something.
I went for my 12 week appoinment a few days ago...tomorrow I'll be 13 weeks. Anyways, I'm doing great so far. I've gained 4 lbs so far and I've had no morning sickness. I'm just SUPER tired all the time, it's a little hard on Zac because I seriously fall asleep at 9 pm every night. Now, considering I'm the kind of person that can hardly ever fall asleep, that's saying something.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Love's Handiwork

Friday, March 30, 2007
10 Weeks

Saturday, March 17, 2007
8 weeks
I don't have a picture since my physical appearance hasn't changed that much....well, only I can tell. My pants are getting a little snug though which is so funny. Last time I wore my same jeans until I was 5 months. I am VERY tired though. Every night after Brayden goes to bed I watch a show or read and then I'm ready for lights out by 8:30 or 9:00. I don't go to the doctor for another 2 weeks so I guess my next update will be around then.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Finally Announcing
It's only been seven weeks....well, I've only KNOWN for about 2 and a half....but I just can't stand waiting any longer to tell everyone. I'm pregnant!!! The due date is October 28th...originally they thought it was October 21st. Zac and I got to hear the heart beat yesterday for the first time. It just amazes me how something that small has a heartbeat - it's so amazing.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Six weeks and 2 days

Here an interesting fact that I found out from my doctor's visit : I don't ovulate at the same time as most girls. See, they thought that I was already 7 weeks and so did I according to the ovulation chart. But, I'm only 6 weeks and 2 days according to the babies size. They couldn't even detect the heart beat with an internal ultrasound at my last visit. I guess the heart beat usually starts at 6weeks - 7 weeks and when I went the baby was only 5 weeks and 6 days. So...now I have to go back this upcoming Friday and have another ultrasound.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
I'm not actually sure how pregnant I am because one source tells me I'm 6 weeks and another one tells me I'm 7 weeks. AND...my doctor's appointment isn't until this Thursday!!! I've been so anxious to go to the doctor since I've known about the baby for over a week. I know I'm defintily pregnant but's it's nice for a trained professional to confirm the fact. :) Anyways, I'm doing just fine. No morning sickness so far, just tiredness. Oh....and massive sugar cravings...thus my post on the other blog about the cookie dough. I told Zac yesterday though that from yesterday on I'm going to concentrate on being healthy and I'm going to quit indulging in everything I want. With Brayden I hardly ate any sugar, I exercised everyday and I felt great. I would like to try and do that with this one.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Beginning Tummy Shots

waist = 27 "
weight = 118 -120 lbs
height = 5'5.5 (Listen....some people do get taller!)
All other measurement won't be recorded here. :)

We're also keeping track of Zac's belly growth for the next 9 months too. :) However, we won't be putting his measurments up...we'll strictly just be going by pics.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Can it be?!!!!
I'm going to start blogging now just because I can't stand NOT blogging about this new little one! However, I'm not going to to announce the pregnancy until I've been to the doctor.
I found out on Saturday the 17th. Well, I kind of found out 3 days before that but I didn't know for sure because the test messed up. First I took a test that was suppose to have a horizontal line and a vertical line for positive. I looked at it after 2 minutes instead of waiting until 3 minutes and there was only one line. I was terribly bummed and went to go feed Brayden, trying to console myself with the "maybe next time" thought. Zac comes out of the bathroom holding my test and says "yah, you're not pregnant because the other line is really light." "Other line!!!!" I yell "whoooo hooooo that means I'm pregnant....oh my gosh, I have to go to Food Lion and pick up another test to make sure." By this time I'm jumping up and down running around the house, scurring to and fro looking for my purse. Zac just keeps saying over and over "Calm down Alyssa, I don't want you to get in a wreck."
So I go and get another test....a more expensive supposedly more reliable test. I take it and am so excited to know that it will be positive. Zac brings it to me when the three minutes are up and says "there's only line." I turn around and laugh "You're joking....I know it!!! Let me see that!" Well, he wasn't joking. So now I'm abolutely crushed.
Talk about high and low. So two days later I calmly took another test...Zac checks it and says "So, do you want a boy or a girl." :) :) :)
End of story...we are both so excited!
I found out on Saturday the 17th. Well, I kind of found out 3 days before that but I didn't know for sure because the test messed up. First I took a test that was suppose to have a horizontal line and a vertical line for positive. I looked at it after 2 minutes instead of waiting until 3 minutes and there was only one line. I was terribly bummed and went to go feed Brayden, trying to console myself with the "maybe next time" thought. Zac comes out of the bathroom holding my test and says "yah, you're not pregnant because the other line is really light." "Other line!!!!" I yell "whoooo hooooo that means I'm pregnant....oh my gosh, I have to go to Food Lion and pick up another test to make sure." By this time I'm jumping up and down running around the house, scurring to and fro looking for my purse. Zac just keeps saying over and over "Calm down Alyssa, I don't want you to get in a wreck."
So I go and get another test....a more expensive supposedly more reliable test. I take it and am so excited to know that it will be positive. Zac brings it to me when the three minutes are up and says "there's only line." I turn around and laugh "You're joking....I know it!!! Let me see that!" Well, he wasn't joking. So now I'm abolutely crushed.
Talk about high and low. So two days later I calmly took another test...Zac checks it and says "So, do you want a boy or a girl." :) :) :)
End of story...we are both so excited!
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