Oh, I also had this terrible week with my complexion. It was last week my face broke out, I got a mole in the corner of my eye, and when we were on a hike a branch hit me in the face and left an inch long cut on my cheek! I wasn't feeling very attractive...that's for sure.

Zac wasn't around to take a belly shot so I had to set the timer. :) Anyways, these pants are maternity but I got them because they even fit me before I was growing, they were just loose. Anyways, I don't know what I weigh right now but will find out next week all that business PLUS if we are having a little Corley man or a little Corley gal. I'm so excited. I do know though that when I got pregnant my waist was 27 inches and now it's 32 inches. I'm feeling it.
You still hardly look pregnant at all, which makes it hard to believe you're now 32 inches, not 27. I avoided maternity pants as long as I could, but I did always favor my stretchy sweats.
I feel so bad for you with your acne outbreak and then being hit on the face with a branch. You're looking good now, though.
Oh, I like how you partially cut your head off in the self timer shot. I use to do that all the time.
You are so cute! Hope you ultrasound goes beautifully - be sure to let us know at WTM :)
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