Sunday, July 22, 2007

14 weeks left!!!

I can't believe I only have 14 weeks left.....when I was in school this would have seemed like it feels like - well, REALLY fast! I don't keep track of time since I hardly even have to look at a calender. When I was working I had to look at the date everyday, now I seriously only know the date maybe one day out of the week. Yikes!
My next appointment in August I'll be doing the glucose test....yuck. My appointment on Friday went really great except that I had to get up from the waiting room 3 times due to my bladder.:) I've gained 13 lbs total so the doctor said that was right on target...13 lbs in 26 weeks. I tried to talk him into letting me have another ultrasound but I still have to wait until 36 for some reason THAT feels like an eternity.

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