Okay...so I've already been on a consignment shopping spree! I went today to look at girl stuff....I thought it would help the news sink in a bit. And oh my goodness did it EVER SINK IN!!! I'm so excited!!!! I found this adorable little Baby Gap jumper thing for 3 bucks! Isn't it so cute? I love baby clothes that kind of look like adult clothes....well, at least more colors then just the light blues and pinks. I also like to dress Brayden kind of like Zac, and then today all the stuff I was looking at kind of looked like stuff I would wear if they were a few sizes bigger. :)

Okay, and I got this little Moses Basket for $9.99 - yep, that's right.....TEN dollars! We don't have a baby bed or anything to keep her in until she goes to the crib so this was a very good find.
AWWWW! SO cute and I'm kinda of surprised that she is a girl! I guess you'll have some searching to do for a name! They will be just like Jude and Zara - you will love it. I like the outfit too - too bad we don't live closer so we could clothes swap.
So would you wear that blue jumper if it were bigger? That would be funny! Ha Ha =)
I'm so happy for you, how exciting to be having a girl. Someday I'll be putting the same pics on my blog. ;) Julz
the day you told me you were once again prego, i went out a bunch of baby girl stuff....then thought,", i should've waited till they actually know for sure"...but i bought it all anyway...just in case. did i have it pegged or what. love you mucho!
Ya know Alyssa, that comment I wrote about putting my own pics up, well, I knew I was expecting at that time, but I couldn't say anything yet, because Luke was still dealing with the shock. ;) Anyway, he is doing really well now. ;) I can't wait till I start to show, I'm about 5 1/2 weeks to 6 weeks, something like that. Anyway, what week do you find out the sex of the baby? I can't remember. :) Anyway, not much is going on except this little tid bit.
Thanks for the info, I'm not showing but I can somehow feel myself changing, I don't know how that is possible, maybe it's just my imagination, but I like to think it's more. ;) lots of love, give that baby a kiss from his Auntie Julia, and tell him someday we will meet, somehow. ;)
What a cute outfit! I also love the Moses basket. My favorite color is navy.
I just love the news I get through this 'grapevine'! Congrats to Julia!!!
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