Here is me in my 7 am glory. Hard to believe I only have 6-8 weeks left...hopefully!!! I SOOO don't want to overcook. I'm hoping she'll come earlier then later because yall - I'm tired of being pregnant. I enjoyed my pregnancy with Brayden so much but with baby girl I just feel like I can't REALLY enjoy it. Maybe it's because I've already done everything before so it's not really new anymore. For instance, Brayden's room is already set up so I don't have a nursery to decorate....most things I already have for her and people just don't get as hyped about baby # 2 like the do when it's the 1st baby. I like to feel her move but it keeps me awake and I need to sleep so I can be alert for Brayden. Also, my entire spine feels bruised from my neck to half way down my back.
So with all that complaining out of the way, I do know that every baby is special and I do count her as special and unique, I'm looking forward to meeting my little Miss....but for now I'm just worn out!
You look very cute and still quite small. I imagine I'll feel very much the same with #2 as you do. It must be hard to be feeling big, achy and sore and still have to chase after a 1.9 year old. There is NOTHING wrong with wanting this baby to come as soon as possible.
No, because Jaida sleeps on her stomach she never has gotten a bald spot in the back of her head, though the hair is sparse at this point.
you're looking pretty good for 7 a.m.!
i definitely look less than chipper that early in the morning.
i can't wait til she comes either!!
Well, as tired as you are at least you are pregnant. Baby number 2 might not be as interesting in the pregnancy aspect, but when she comes it's going to be a whole new world for you and Zac and Brady baby. Anyway, you look fit, even if you are tired. ;) Julz
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