So I took this last night and thought it was just halarious. I was thinking how I hadn't done a belly shot this week....the last picture I posted was me at 38 weeks - anyways, I'm about to pop. Oh....and Danyelle, I've gained 23 lbs so far, not 20. So halarious because I gained exactly 23 lbs with Brady too. And I don't think she's actually 8 lbs yet I just made that up. But, the ultrasound lady did say that if he go full term that the baby would probably be over 8 lbs....guess we'll see.
i've often pondered the oddity of having a human inside a belly -- it's like one of those weird things you can never really get used to -- like seeing your reflection in the mirror or something. i always have a little tiny doubt that it's actually me in the mirror. what if it's another person, copying my moves and she stays in there all the time?
you are indeed looking like you're ready to pop! i wish i were there!
YEAH! Baby girl! I want her to come out so I can see her! That is such a great picture - seriously, I love all the pictures I have my huge belly with both the kids ESPECIALLY after they came out. Hopefully you won't go much longer - I had only gained 23 lbs in the first 39ish weeks, then in the last week I gained 5? Weird huh? Zara was my favorite though - 18!!
Oh, and why/how are you tan? Isn't it cold where you are?
Not sure why the picture is hilarious to you because I think it's a really great one to show what you looked like right before baby comes. I'm a bit saddened that I never had the chance to do that with Jaida since she came early and of course I didn't have stretch marks then! =)
23 lbs. is still not much at all and you really do look great, but I can't imagine what you or I would have looked like if we gained 35!!!!
You are just as cute as a button! A poster child for the the best looking pregnant woman with the perfect shaped belly :)
I was about to say congrats for being due any day, but then I looked at the date on your blog.....it was last year. LOL!
Thanks for stopping by my blog & for the very nice compliment about the picture of my children.
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