Sunday, March 4, 2007

Six weeks and 2 days

Here are the first photos of teeny Corley baby. It's so weird that something the size of a grain of rice can totally change your body, and then will someday grow to be a kid like....well, like Brayden. I'm SOOOO excited, maybe a little bit too excited.
Here an interesting fact that I found out from my doctor's visit : I don't ovulate at the same time as most girls. See, they thought that I was already 7 weeks and so did I according to the ovulation chart. But, I'm only 6 weeks and 2 days according to the babies size. They couldn't even detect the heart beat with an internal ultrasound at my last visit. I guess the heart beat usually starts at 6weeks - 7 weeks and when I went the baby was only 5 weeks and 6 days. I have to go back this upcoming Friday and have another ultrasound.
The baby is the dark dot in the middle of the white circle....the white circle is his little covering that protects him. I say him because I think it's a boy since I'm not sick or anything. Besides being REALLY tired and eating constantly, I don't feel very pregnant.

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