Friday, April 20, 2007

13 Weeks

Here is the long awaited tummy shot. I haven't changed much at all, not that I can really tell. One weird thing is that I'm the same size all day and then at night my stomach swells super big and I'm only comfortable in stretchy pants.:)


JLW said...

Yeah...still can't tell at all!

The Toplovs said...

Yes, you still look nice and slender, so take advantage for as long as possible being able to fit in 'normal' clothes.

JLW said...

Time for another picture!!

Julia said...

This is very confidential, but we are trying. Anyone who reads this is sworn to not tell anyone else, because only my sister knows. So, you are all part of the secret now.

Julia said...

You have to be bigger now, I mean 13 weeks was 2 weeks ago, wasn't it? Anyway, no one seems to be on right now, I have updated my blog and have pictures and stuff on it okay. Julz