Saturday, September 8, 2007

33 weeks

I went to the doctor and everything looks fine. I've gained 20 lbs!!!! So, I guess I'm on track with the same as I was for Brady but for some reason I feel like 20 is a lot. Anyways, we talked about the birth plan and I go back in 2 weeks.


Julia said...

sounds good Kia, can't believe that baby number 2 is almost here, I can't wait. I'm sure you can't either. 20 lbs sounds really good to me. Julz

The Toplovs said...

20 lbs. is like the basic minimum to gain, so don't you worry that you've overgained. I'm positive it will fall off of you right away as it did with Brayden.

kate said...

how has this happened so fast?!!!
it was just last week i was there for christmas and you had the flattest tummy of anyone i've ever met!!

okay, maybe it wasn't last week, and it probably doesn't seem so fast to you :-)
from this distance though, you're just zooming along at lightning speed.

the whole rest of you looks completely normal, so you aren't gaining any other kind of weight except baby.
i, on the other hand am porking out! i've gained like 5 pounds in the last month.
maybe it's sympathy pregnancy.
so i'm there with ya sistah!
(except for having a baby in there... crucial element that justifies weight gain...)