Sunday, February 25, 2007


I'm not actually sure how pregnant I am because one source tells me I'm 6 weeks and another one tells me I'm 7 weeks. doctor's appointment isn't until this Thursday!!! I've been so anxious to go to the doctor since I've known about the baby for over a week. I know I'm defintily pregnant but's it's nice for a trained professional to confirm the fact. :) Anyways, I'm doing just fine. No morning sickness so far, just tiredness. Oh....and massive sugar cravings...thus my post on the other blog about the cookie dough. I told Zac yesterday though that from yesterday on I'm going to concentrate on being healthy and I'm going to quit indulging in everything I want. With Brayden I hardly ate any sugar, I exercised everyday and I felt great. I would like to try and do that with this one.

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