Monday, February 19, 2007

Can it be?!!!!

I'm going to start blogging now just because I can't stand NOT blogging about this new little one! However, I'm not going to to announce the pregnancy until I've been to the doctor.
I found out on Saturday the 17th. Well, I kind of found out 3 days before that but I didn't know for sure because the test messed up. First I took a test that was suppose to have a horizontal line and a vertical line for positive. I looked at it after 2 minutes instead of waiting until 3 minutes and there was only one line. I was terribly bummed and went to go feed Brayden, trying to console myself with the "maybe next time" thought. Zac comes out of the bathroom holding my test and says "yah, you're not pregnant because the other line is really light." "Other line!!!!" I yell "whoooo hooooo that means I'm pregnant....oh my gosh, I have to go to Food Lion and pick up another test to make sure." By this time I'm jumping up and down running around the house, scurring to and fro looking for my purse. Zac just keeps saying over and over "Calm down Alyssa, I don't want you to get in a wreck."
So I go and get another test....a more expensive supposedly more reliable test. I take it and am so excited to know that it will be positive. Zac brings it to me when the three minutes are up and says "there's only line." I turn around and laugh "You're joking....I know it!!! Let me see that!" Well, he wasn't joking. So now I'm abolutely crushed.
Talk about high and low. So two days later I calmly took another test...Zac checks it and says "So, do you want a boy or a girl." :) :) :)
End of story...we are both so excited!

1 comment:

GGG said...

My goodness! How far we've come. I think I was 3 months "in the family way" as the older folks used to put it, before I knew I was going to be a mama. Just kidding! Anyway, you look healthy Springtime, and just what is Brayden up to these days? Being a little helper or keeping you on your toes? Love you all, GGG