Sorry this picture is a little blurry. As you can see, I am now quite rounded. People keep commenting on how I'm all belly... I feel like it. I measured my stomach and it's 37 inches right now so I guess I've grown a total of 10 inches. My back hurts a lot, more then when I was expecting Brady and i got a vericose vein this time. So....besides that all has been well but I'm ready to get her out!!! I still have 3 months left but I'm so anxious to meet her and see Brady's response - I'm just looking forward to the time of year she's going to be born. I LOVE the fall and I always decorate a lot and bake, hopefully I'll be up to doing that stuff. I look forward to the smell of cinnamon and ginger and having a new baby to cuddle, and a two year old to laugh with,