My apology goes out to my tummy watcher fans. I forget to have Zac take pictures and I don't know how to set the timer on the camera. I'm sure if I tried...I could possibly figure it out. Anyways, I'll try to have him take one tomorrow when he comes home and then hopefully I can post it before the weekend. We're going away to Nashville for a soccer tournament, so if I don't get it done tomorrow then hopefully Monday.
I went for my 12 week appoinment a few days ago...tomorrow I'll be 13 weeks. Anyways, I'm doing great so far. I've gained 4 lbs so far and I've had no morning sickness. I'm just SUPER tired all the time, it's a little hard on Zac because I seriously fall asleep at 9 pm every night. Now, considering I'm the kind of person that can hardly ever fall asleep, that's saying something.